Mass Building Program

Choose the program that best suits your body requirements

8 week

Diet to gain weight

This package contains the diet for 8 weeks. Applies to all those who want to gain weight. The regimen contains 3 main meals and 2 snacks during the day, for each day of the week. The term of this package expires after 10 weeks.

Attention!  Deadline for using the Program Ends after 10 Weeks..

40 €

Bli me PayPal


Jam shume e lumtur per kete program!! Arrita te shtoj disa kile brenda pak javeve 😘

+10 kg ne perfundim te programit, duke ndjekur regjimin e shendetshem ushqimor te @ne_forme_me_aulonen dhe duke u stervitur nga shtepia 😍😍

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Let's train together.

Weight Loss

8 weeks

Mass Building Program

8 weeks

Toning Program

8 weeks

Combo package

Program dobësimi nr.1 stërvitje + regjim ushqimor, 65 €!

Combo package

Program dobësimi nr.1 stërvitje + regjim ushqimor, 65 €!


BMI Calculator

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Morbi lectus urna, dapibus sed tempus quis, efficitur et tortor.

Valid for age 20 or older.
Set units:
Your weight:
Your height: