per dobesim 1- Java 1, Dita 4

The focus today will again be on the upper part. We will start with cardio, to activate the body and make you sweat a little.

You will do the first 8 exercises in a row, with only 15 seconds of rest between each other. You will perform a total of 2 rounds, with 8 exercises each. The break between the first and second round will be 2 minutes.

In the upright position, with the legs shoulder-width apart, spread the arms horizontally and rotate them 15 seconds forward and 15 seconds backwards.

In the same body position, this time stretch your arms forward as if you are boxing. 15 seconds one arm, 15 seconds the other arm.

With the hands positioned as in the video, turn once to the left, once to the right. The return should be as deep as possible.

Time: 30 sec

Rope jumping. Even if you do not have a rope at home, you can do the exercise as in the video without using one.

Time: 30 sec

In the upright position, standing, bring the feet behind trying to touch the buttocks.

Time: 30 sec

Rest your knees and palms on the ground. Lay the opposite leg and arm at the same time (ie the left leg and the right arm).Hold them in the air for 2-3 seconds and then we change them to execute the exercise with the other leg and hand.

Time: 30 sec

Lie on the ground on your stomach (prone position). You should spread your legs shoulder-width apart and arms slightly wider than our shoulders. Raise your legs, arms and head at the same time. The landing should not be immediate but by standing for 2 seconds in the air, before sitting down.

Time: 30 sec

Start with the standing position. Lift one knee up (near the chest) and join it with the opposite arm. We bring the same leg back lying down and do the same with the arm. We finish once with one side, then continue with the other side.

Time: 15 seconds one side, 15 seconds the other. 30 seconds in total.

Superset (Superset is the term used when two exercises are done in a row without a break in between.). For these exercises you should have weights. In the absence of weights, you can get water bottles.

- With legs close to each other, knees slightly bent, bend forward, in a 90 degree position. We keep the arms outstretched together in front, with the elbows slightly bent. Lift up both arms at the same time, opening the chest as much as possible. 15 repetitions

- Without a break in between we move to the next exercise. In the same position, only this time we keep the arms straight and by bending the elbows we raise them up. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Repeat superset number 2 three times (three rounds). The rest time between rounds will be 1 minute

Superset 2

- With legs as wide as shoulder width, knees slightly bent, raise both arms forward at the same time, up to the chest. We repeat it 15 times.

- In the same body position, we change only the position of the arms. Hold the elbows in a 90 degree position and while lifting them up, the arms are stretched , with the tendency to lightly touch the shoulders with each other. We repeat it 15 times.

Repeat superset number 2 three times (three rounds). The rest time between rounds will be 1 minute

With legs shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, we hold weights in our hands. The arms are outstretched, down, as close to the body as possible. We raise the forearm trying not to move. Throughout the process, the arms should stay as close to the body as possible. We repeat it 15 times

- With legs shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, we hold weights in our hands. The arms are again extended downwards, but this time with the palms facing inwards. We raise one arm at a time, in the shape of a hammer from the inside, with the hand reaching to the chest. Throughout the process, the arms should stay as close to the body as possible. We repeat it 15 times.

Repeat superset number 3 three times (three rounds). The rest time between rounds will be 1 minute

Superset 4

- With feet very close to each other (almost together), knees bent, bend forward in a 90 degree position. The initial position of the hands is together, in front of the chest. Then move them backwards, trying to lift them as high as possible, so that we can feel the contraction in the triceps. We repeat it 15 times.

- We stand with our legs together, very slightly bent. Place one hand on the armpit. Then hold the other hand bent from the back and lift it up. We repeat it 15 times.

Repeat superset number 4 three times (three rounds). The rest time between rounds will be 1 minute