per dobesim 1- Java 2, Dita 4

We execute the first three exercises in a row. From 30 seconds each exercise. Only 10 seconds break from exercise to exercise. After you have finished all three, we rest for a minute. We repeat them two more times. So a total of three sets.

With a weight in hand (it would be good if you have one as in the video known as kettlebell, but you can also replace it with a 3 or 5 liter water bottle: D) we bend forward, placing the weight between feet, with knees bent. We bring it out again, raising it as high as possible.

Time: 30 sec

Dumbbell squats. Move your feet shoulder width apart. Hold a dumbbell in your hand right under your chin. Move your body up then lower it back again without moving hands. Make sure the descent is as below as possible.

Time: 30 sec

Again in the squat position, this time we take a smaller weight and hold it in one hand, at shoulder height. The moment we sit the hand stays on the shoulder. When I get up, we raise the hand as high as possible at the same time.

Time: 30 sec

Perform exercises 4, 5 and 6 in a row for 20 seconds each exercise. Only 10 seconds break from exercise to exercise. After you have finished all three, rest for a minute. Then repeat them two more times. So a total of three sets.

With legs close to each other, knees slightly bent, bend forward, in a 90 degree position. We keep the arms straight and by bending the elbows we open them sideways, raising them as high as possible and bringing them back as far as possible.

Time: 30 sec

We take a slingshot in hand. We stretch our hands forward and bring them back close to the chest, pulling the elbows as far back as possible.

Time: 30 sec

In a horizontal position, lean on your hands, with your palms on the ground. The legs and arms are shoulder-width apart. You should Touch each hand, with the opposite shoulder (i.e. with the left hand the right shoulder and with the right the left shoulder).

Time: 30 sec

Perform exercises 7, 8 and 9. in a row for 20 seconds each exercise. Only 10 seconds break from exercise to exercise. After you have finished all three, we rest for a minute. We repeat them two more times. So a total of three sets.

Rest your knees and palms on the ground. Lay the opposite leg and arm at the same time (ie the left leg and the right arm).Hold them in the air for 2-3 seconds and then we change them to execute the exercise with the other leg and hand.

Time: 30 sec

Lie on the ground on your stomach (prone position). You should spread your legs shoulder-width apart and arms slightly wider than our shoulders. Raise your legs, arms and head at the same time. The landing should not be immediate but by standing for 2 seconds in the air, before sitting down.

Time: 30 sec

Get positioned with your palms and feet on the ground. We raise our buttocks. Alternate the movement of your limbs, once the left hand with the right foot, then the right hand with the left foot.

Time: 30 sec

Abdomen exercises

Perform in a row, without a break between these three exercises: Stand with your hands behind your head. We raise our legs halfway and start moving them like riding a bicycle. Touch the knee with the elbow of the opposite side. Time: 20 seconds.

Rest your feet on the ground. Spread your legs apart from each other as wide as your shoulders. We raise our head and shoulders, while with outstretched hands we touch the heels. You should keep your eyes looking up at the ceiling . Time: 20 seconds.

Lying on your back, keep your legs straight. We start to cross them with each other by raising them up. Repeat it but this time we cross while lowering them . 20 seconds.

We repeat it a total of 3 times, with a 20 second break between Supersets.