per dobesim 1- Java 8, Dita 7

Another day, another circuit. We will finish this week with two circuits divided into five exercises each. Initially you will do the first circuit which contains five exercises. The break from exercise to exercise will be 10 seconds. From circuit to circuit 45 seconds, while from the first round to the second 2 minutes.

Circuit 1 rope jumping.

Time: 30 sec

With a weight in hand (it would be good if you have one as in the video known as kettlebell, but you can also replace it with a 3 or 5 liter water bottle: D) we bend forward, placing the weight between feet, with knees bent. We bring it out again, raising it as high as possible.

Time: 30 sec

Starting position with one leg bent backwards, the knee very close to the ground and the other leg bent forward. Bring the leg placed behind to the front, as close to the chest as possible and bring it back again, as close to the floor as u can.

Time: 30 sec

We have our legs open as wide as possible. With a weight in hand, we sit in the sumo squat position. We touch the ground with the weight and while we stand up, we also raise our hands, positioning the weight in front of the chest.

Time: 30 sec

The palm of your hands are placed on the floor, while you back is a bit arched. Rapidly cross one leg over the other. Stand up moving the legs forward and getting off the floor by jumping.

Time: 30 sec

Second Circuit

We make a complete push up. Turn left to the side plunk position and raise one hand up. Sit down again and do another push up. Return to the plank position, on the other side.

Time: 30 sec

Stand with palms, knees and toes resting on the ground. We lift our knees off the ground and start moving our feet as if we were running, but without moving from the ground.

Time: 30 sec

Starting position Is standing straight. Get down on your knees, go up again and jump off the ground

Time: 30 sec

With your legs shoulder-width apart, sit in a squat position, holding a weight in front of your chest. When standing up, raise your hands along with the weight above our heads.

Time: 30 sec

Place a slingshot above the knees (but it can also be done without a slingshot). Sit in the squat position and without standing up, jump three times backwards and three times forward.

Time: 30 sec