per dobesim 2- Java 3, Dita 5

3 sets - 12 rep

Rest between sets 45 seconds.

In the starting straight position, with the legs shoulder-width apart, sit on a squat. The detachment should be done by jumping.

3 sets - 20 reps (10 with each leg)

Rest between sets 45 seconds.

Jumping lunges. We bring one leg bent forward, while we keep the other leg bent back, with the knee very close to the ground but without touching it. Alternate your legs by jumping.

3 sets - 30 reps (15 with each leg)

Rest between sets 45 seconds.

Standing straight, feet together, leaning lightly against the wall so u keep the balance. In one hand we hold a weight and support it on the leg, while trying to lift it up as high as possible.

3 sets - 10 reps

Rest between sets 45 seconds.

Lie on your back, with feet close to your glutes. O them slowly, taking small steps. Pull them towards yourself performing the same movement, bringing them as close as possible to the buttocks.

3 sets - 20 reps (10 with each leg)

Rest between sets 45 seconds.

With one leg resting on a chair, the other leg placed as far forward as possible, sit as deep as possible and rise again to the end. Hands are positioned as in the video.

3 sets - 20 reps (10 with each leg)

Rest between sets 45 seconds.

We sit in the chair with only one leg, while we keep the other leg as wide as possible and bring it a little forward the moment we sit.