per dobesim 2- Java 7, Dita 5

3 sets - 15 reps

45 seconds break between sets

Lie down on your stomach but hold your legs and rest of the body straight. Place a slingshot on your ankles. Raise the legs off the ground and try to get your feet further apart of each other.

3 sets - 30 reps (15 each leg)

45 seconds break between sets

Leaning on your elbows while lying down on the floor, try lifting your leg up as much as you can. Keep it straight, then slowly lower it down. While you’re doing that make sure to also bend the knee. Careful, the movement should not be performed with the waist. Contract the glutes when raising the leg up.

3 sets - 10 reps

45 seconds break between sets

With feet wider than shoulder width apart lower the body in squat position and hold the dumbbell in your hands. Stand up while holding the weight, then sit down again leaving the dumbbell on the floor. Stand up one more time without taking the dumbbell on your hands. That’s a rep.

3 sets - 20 reps (10 with each leg)

45 seconds break between sets

Stand straight with feet close to each other. Move one foot behind and get on your knees. Stand up again, and bring the foot forward. Move the same foot behind but this time keep it stretched and bend your body forward. This will be called a rep. In order to have a better balance it is recommend to keep your eyes down. Use the dumbbell for this exercise and after u’re finished with 10 reps continue the 10 others left with the other foot.

3 sete 12 reps

45 seconds break between sets

Start by standing with your feet out wide and your toes pointing out. Sit in the sumo squat position and lift your heel one after the other. Sit down again and repeat the same movement.

3 sets - 20 reps (10 with each leg)

Rest between sets 45 seconds.

With one leg resting on a chair, the other leg placed as far forward as possible, sit as deep as possible and rise again to the end. Hands are positioned as in the video.

3 sets - 15 reps

Rest between sets 45 seconds.

Lean on a chair with your shoulders (be careful, the chair must be positioned somewhere so that it does not move). Place the weight in the area between the groin and the lower abdomen and hold it with your hands. Stand up and contract the buttocks while doing so. Then we sit down again as below as possible. Careful! The movement should be executed using the buttocks, if not you might hurt the waist.