per dobesim 2- Java 3, Dita 2

3 sets - 12 reps

45 seconds break between sets

Sitting and leaning on a chair, with two weights in hand, spread your shoulders sideways and lift them up, bringing them closer to each other. We lower them again to the starting position. Movement should be slow and controlled.

3 sets - 12 reps

45 seconds break between sets

In the same sitting position on the chair, this time this exercise helps to strengthen the side of the shoulders (Deltoid). While keeping the dumbbells on hands, spread your arms sideways to shoulder height and lower them down again. The arms should be outstretched, the elbows slightly bent at the moment they are raised. Movement should be slow and controlled.

3 sets - 12 reps

45 seconds break between sets

We continue to sit in the chair, in the same position. This time we take a weight and hold it with both hands outstretched, above the head. We fold the arms back, trying to move only with the forearm, while keeping the rest of the arm and shoulders still.

3 sets - 12 reps

45 seconds break between sets

On the legs, bent forward with the body, knees also slightly bent, legs together, we hold two weights in the hands, with the starting position close to the chest. We spread our arms as far back as possible, trying to bring them as high as possible. Carefully try to move only with the forearms, keeping the rest of the arm and shoulders still.

3 sets - 12 reps

45 seconds break between sets

With the body position straight, the legs open slightly less than shoulder width, we hold two weights in the hands. The initial position of the hands is with the palms facing each other (hammer), the moment they rise, the palms face towards the ceiling. The movement should be slow and controlled and the lowering of the hands should be done completely, to the end. Be careful to keep your elbows as close to the trunk as possible and try to move only with the forearm.

3 sets - 12 reps

45 seconds break between sets

In the same body position, only this time we raise the arms to the side position, bringing them closer to the chest, once one then the other. The movement should be slow and controlled and the lowering of the hands should be done completely, to the end. Carefully hold the elbows as close to the trunk as possible and try to move only with the forearm.