per dobesim 2- Java 8, Dita 5

4 sets – 12 reps

45 seconds break between sets

Starting position is standing straight with feet shoulder width- apart. Jump to the side sitting in the squat position. Stand up jumping and move sideways in the squat position again. That’s a rep.

Time: 30 sec

4 sete – 12 resp

45 seconds break between sets

Keep your feet wider than shoulder width- apart and sit in the sumo squat position as shown In the video. Get the dumbbell from the floor and hold it with your hands. Leave the weight on the floor again and stand up. That is a rep. Each time you go up, make sure to contract the buttock’s muscles.

4 sete – 12 resp

45 seconds break between sets

Extend your feet as wide as possible and hold the dumbells in hands. Bend your body forward bringing the weights between legs. Go up again and at the same time lift the dumbbells up until it reaches chest height. Careful! They should not go upper than the chest. It’s important carrying adequate weights, nothing too light or heavy.

4 sete -12 reps

45 seconds break between sets

Place the palm of your hands for stability and knees on the floor as you bend one leg at first sideways then stretched backwards. This is called a rep. Contract the buttocks while trying to not move the upper part of the body. Execute the exercise 12 times with each leg. Rest for 45 seconds. Repeat it 2 more times.

4 sete - 24 reps (12 secila këmbë)

45 seconds break between sets

Starting position is standing straight, feet together. Sit up in a lunge position, hips tucked, and core engaged. Take a big step out forward bending the knee. Stand up again without moving feet position. Bend your body forward while holding weights. This will be one rep. Repeat the exercise on the other foot.

4 sete - 24 reps (12 secila këmbë)

45 seconds break between sets

In the lunges position, with one leg forward and the other one bent backwards, sit as high as possible, without touching your knee on the ground. You should slightly go up, detaching the soles of our feet from the ground at the same time. This is a rep.