Vithet Prorami- Java 2dhe5 Dita 5

Warm up exercises

Do 3 minutes of jumping rope before starting the exercises divided in 40 seconds sections (slowly for 10 seconds, as fast as you can for 10 seconds, 10 with each foot)

Exercise 1

We have a total of 10 exercises which will be executed in a row. Each exercise will be executed for 30 seconds. The break between exercises will be 15 seconds. When we’re finished with the first round of 10 exercises, we will rest for 90 seconds and start the second round again. In total we will do 3 rounds.

Exercise 1
The starting position is standing straight, bent forward at 45 degrees. Extend your feet as fast as you can one after the other. Do not move the upper part of the body.

Exercise 2

Stay in the same initial position. Lie on the floor and do a push up. Stand up rapidly by jumping.

Exercise 3

The starting position is standing straight. We first move the left leg forward in the lunges position. We stand like that while raising our hands up. (Holding two dumbbells). We return to the starting position again and go forward using the same leg. Alternate legs and repeat the movement twice with the same leg.

Exercise 4

In the same starting position, lie on your back and lift your legs and buttocks. Stand up again, but if you experience any difficulties, you can help yourself using your hands.

Exercise 5

Lie on you back, bend your legs a little bit and raise the buttocks. Hands are stretched behind the head, holding two dumbbells. We bring our hands to the side of the torso and hold them up again. Contract the buttocks while doing this exercise.

Exercise 6

Lie down on the floor. The only parts of the body that touches the floor are the buttocks an forearm because they help you with the balance. Raise your legs, crossing them with each other.

Exercise 7

Stand straight, with legs shoulder-width apart holding two weights in your hands. Bring your hands up diagonally until it reaches the front of your face.

Exercise 8

Stand straight with legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Sit in the squat position, stand up by jumping, then move to the left. Continue this way making a round shape (as in the video)

Exercise 9

Lie down on your stomach and raise the legs and back at the same time, extending your arms as far back as possible.

Exercise 10

Lying on your back, lift your legs and back upwards, and try to bring your hands as close to the toes as possible. It should be a minimal movement, trying not to lower the upper part of the body.
