Vithet Prorami- Java 3 dhe 6 Dita 5 – update

Warm up exercises

Do 3 minutes of jumping rope before starting the exercises divided in 40 seconds sections (slowly for 10 seconds, as fast as you can for 10 seconds, 10 with each foot)

We will execute a total of 8 exercises, divided into 4 groups with two exercises each. Exercises will be executed like this: (Starting with the first group.) The two exercises will be executed in a row 20 seconds of the first exercise, 5 seconds of rest, 20 seconds of the second exercise. After you finish you will rest for 20 seconds and start again: 20 seconds of the first exercise, 5 seconds of rest, 20 seconds of the next exercise. You will rest for 20 seconds and continue again for two more times, in the same order.

After performing 2 exercises in a row, four times, you will rest for 1 minute and move on to the second pair of exercises, which you will also execute in the same way.

In total you have 4 pairs of exercises.

The first pair of exercises

- Starting position is standing straight with the palm of the hands and toes (wider than shoulder width apart) on the ground. Bring your legs forward, sitting in a squat position, and raise your arms in front of your chest. Get back in the starting position. 20 seconds

5 seconds break and move on to the next exercise.

First pair - Exercise 1

- Starting position is standing straight, bringing the left leg behind and sideways. Sit as close to the ground as possible in the squat position, moving the hands forward. We go up and bring the other leg back to the side. 20 seconds


After repeating the pair of exercises four times, rest for a minute and move on to the next pair.

Second pair - Exercise 1

With your legs shoulder-width apart, sit in a squat position. Jump up and cross your legs, then sit in a squat position again. 20 seconds.

5 seconds break and move on to the next exercise.

First pair - Exercise 2

In the standing position, move each leg back and forth. 20 seconds.

After repeating the pair of exercises four times, rest for a minute and move on to the next pair.

Third pair - Exercise 1

With the legs shoulder-width apart holding two dumbbells, moving each hand sideways (as if you’re boxing), then sit in a squat position. Stand up again. Do this exercise for 20 seconds

5 seconds break and move on to the next exercise.


Third pair - Exercise 2

Keep the palm of the hands and toes placed on the ground, arms outstretched. Touch the tip of the shoulders one after the other and then approach the right hand to the left. Do the same thing with the other hand. Execute the exercise for 20 seconds.

After repeating the pair of exercises four times, rest for a minute and move on to the next pair.

Fourth pair - Exercise 1

Lie down on your back, and approach your legs (while holding them folded) at the chest area. Hands are position under your legs.


5 seconds break and move on to the next exercise.

fourth pair - Exercise 2

Lie on the floor, the only thing that will be touching the ground is the buttocks. Lift your legs up while slightly bending them. Lean forward until you hold hands with each other at the same time when leg goes up. 
