Vithet Prorami- Java 7-8-9 Dita 3

Warm up exercises

Do 4 minutes of jumping rope before starting the exercises divided in 40 seconds sections (slowly for 10 seconds, as fast as you can for 10 seconds, 10 with each foot)

Exercise 1

4 sets – 12 reps

Leaning back in a chair, with a weight placed on the lower abdomen, sit as low as possible and then stand up, contracting your buttocks.

Exercise 2

Still sitting in the sumo squat position with one dumbbell in your hands. , Sit on one knee and make sure to execute this movement in both knees one after the other. Stretch the leg as much as possible, while keeping the body slightly bent forward. 20 reps in total (10 reps with one foot, 10 with the other)

Exercise 3

4 sets - 15 reps

Place the slingshot under a static object. Hold it between your legs and bend forward at 90 degrees, bringing the slingshot towards your body as you go back in standing position. Contract the buttocks when doing so.

Exercise 4

3 sets - 12 reps each leg

Place the slingshot under a static object .Grab the rest of it with the sole of the left foot. Bend the right leg very slightly, while trying to move the right leg as far back as possible. Execute the exercise with one foot then repeat it with the other one.

Exercise 5

4 sets - 15 reps one foot, 15 reps the other foot

Stay in the half-lying position leaning on your elbow with a weight in your hand. Bend your leg and raise it as high as possible.
15 reps one leg, 15 legs the other

Exercise 6

4 sets – 12 reps

With a slingshot placed above the knees, legs shoulder-width apart, sit in a squat position and keep the feet as wide as possible (without moving them). Stand up and contract the buttocks. Repeat it 15 times.

Exercise 7

3 sets-20 reps in total

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Sit in the squat position as deep as possible. Jump up and raise the left leg sideways bending it. Sit down again in the squat position and raise the other leg. This will be called a rep. In total we will do 10 reps.
