per dobesim 1- Java 6, Dita 5

Body weight circuit. It will be a total of three rounds. The break between rounds will be 1 minute. The break from exercise to exercise will be 15 seconds.

Put your legs and palm of the hand on the floor . Move sideways, trying to touch the knee with the opposite elbow. Go to the starting position move on the other side, doing the same with the opposite elbow and knee.

Time: 30 sec

The starting position is standing, feet are spread shoulder width apart. Move on the side, bend one knee while the other is stretched. Touch the bent knee with the opposite hand. Flip over to your opposite side and repeat the process with your other leg.

Time: 30 sec

Place the limbs on the floor as shown in the video and try to touch your toes using the opposite hand.

Time: 30 sec

Start by placing your hands, toes, and knees on the floor. Lift your knee a couple of inches off the ground and try to touch the tip of your shoulder using the opposite arm. Repeat the process with the other arm.

Time: 30 sec

Lie on your back and raise your legs upfront, Squeeze hamstrings to lift hips off the floor. Do not lower your body straight away, bend a little bit and then lie down.(as shown in the video)

Time: 30 sec

Make a step forward, then one backward. Sit in squat position, perform these movements by jumping.

Time: 30 sec

With the hands placed on the side of the head, the starting position will be a semi- squat. Feet should be spread more than the width of the shoulders. Bring the legs closer to each other by jumping. Move your legs away from each other by jumping.

Time: 30 sec

We stand with our palms and feet on the ground, buttocks raised (as in the video) Lift your legs up, when you lower them again, bring them a little further. stand up and detach yourself from the ground by jumping. Return to starting position.

Time: 30 sec