per dobesim 1- Java 8, Dita 4

Today’s session is dedicated to glutes.

Move your feet close to each other. Place a slingshot above the knees. Hold a dumbbell in your hand. Bend your knee forward, the other leg will be stretching backwards while you try to bend forward for the dumbbell to be almost touching the floor.

2 repetitions with one leg, 12 with the other leg. 3 sets in total. We rest for a minute between sets, but do not take a break when alternating the legs

The starting position with the legs shoulder-width apart, the slingshot is above the knee. Keep holding a dumbbell in your hand. Get down In a squat and try to extend your knees as much as u can without moving your legs. Stand up again. If you don’t succeed on doing that, try to keep your balance by leaning somewhere.

15 repetitions. 3 sets. One minute break between sets.

Continue holding the slingshot above the knees. Find a place where you can sit. The lowering should be done using only one foot. Keep the other one lift off the ground all the time.

2 repetitions with one leg, 12 with the other leg. 3 sets in total. We rest for a minute between sets, but do not take a break when alternating the legs

We lower the slingshot below the knees. Sit in a squat position, with legs shoulder-width apart. when going up, raise the left foot. Sit in the squat again and repeat the process on the other leg.

12 repetitions with one leg, 12 with the other leg. 3 sets in total. We rest for a minute between sets.

The slingshot is placed above the knee, legs open as wide as the shoulders and proceed stretching them jumping into place.

15 repetitions. 3 sets. Rest between sets one is minute

Spread your feet a little more than shoulder width apart. Keep the slingshot above the knees. Bend forward, bring the dumbbells as close to the ground as possible. 15 repetitions. 3 sets. Rest between sets is one minute.

15 repetitions. 3 sets. Rest between sets one is minute

Superset 1

Try keeping your balance by leaning on an object. Place the slingshot below the knee. Do the exercise 12 time, to immediately proceed with the other leg. Don’t take a break when alternating legs. Execute three sets.

The duration between sets one minute.

Superset 2

Lie on your side, with legs back folded .The slingshot is above the knee. Raise your leg as high as possible and lower it again. Perform the action 12 times and then without lowering the leg extend it upwards, making small movements. We do this 12 times and immediately move on the other leg.

The duration between sets one minute.

Superset 3

Sitting on the buttocks, with legs extended straight (the elastic placed just above the ankles). Leaning on the elbows, extend one leg as much as possible so we can lightly raise it off the ground. Perform the action 12 times with one foot, 12 times with the other. Then we immediately move on to the next exercise. Join the soles of the feet and try to extend the legs as much as possible, without separating the toes from each other. 12 times

Execute three sets. Time between sets one minute.